Thursday, 18 November 2010

Fieldwalking on 20 November

Update at 10am, Friday 19th - Jim (AKA the weatherman) had said this weekend's field walking is a goer!

Sat 10 - 4 and Sun AM only - even if you are attending the lecture at the Museum on Saturday afternoon we would love to see you for a few hours.

Beginners welcome, where possible you will be paired up with a more experienced field walker.

Parking will be at the farm buildings on the north side of the Devizes - Alton Barnes road, opposite the the 1st right turn into Stanton St Bernard when coming from the Devizes end, grid SU090627, there is plenty of room.

Bring lunch, warm and wet proof clothing.

Jim is on 07919022309

Be early to find the best bits! Please reply to

Original post:
On Saturday 20th November under the leadership of Jim, we are going to field walk an area just south of the Devizes - Alton Barnes road near Stanton St Bernard. It is planned to do this with some of the villagers of SSB and field walkers can hopefully expect to see prehistoric and Roman material.

This will be weather dependant, please check the web site on Thurs/Friday or phone Jim on 07919 022309 or 01793 731974.

Beginners welcome, where possible you will be paired up with a more experienced field walker.

Please come along, field walking is one of the first practical stages of any archaeological project and a skill easily learnt.

Parking will be at the farm buildings on the north side of the Devizes - Alton Barnes road, opposite the the 1st right turn into Stanton St Bernard when coming from the Devizes end, grid SU090627, there is plenty of room.

Bring lunch, warm and wet proof clothing.

Meet at just before 10am at the farm buildings; half day/day, whatever you can do will be most appreciated.

Normal Health and Safety rule will apply.

If anyone can make Friday to help set out the grids please contact Jim on the numbers above.

Come and get your hands dirty who knows what you'll find!
Please reply to


  1. Hi AFG,

    woke up this morning to rain, sigh! So it was great to see 14 people there prompt and ready at 10:00. We achieved our aim for the day, brill!

    We are going to do another couple of hours tomorrow. Meet at the farm buildings at 10:00 to shown where to park.

    So come for a couple of hours, like I keep saying beginners welcome.


  2. Must slow down my typing

    "to be shown where to park"!

  3. 10 people today, 21st Nov, we managed to field walk an area we had to skip last year due to a crop.

    Went well, cold but dry, and the pot picked up looks very interesting.
